This training aims to provide proven goal-setting techniques to help improve working processes and increase confidence and motivation in your work life. The Goal Setting training uses proven methods...
This training will introduce participants to the principles of building and maintaining professional relationships, as well as providing practical guidance for typical workplace situations
This training is designed to help participants identify the triggers of anger and stress and empower them with the insight, tools and techniques on how to manage anger and...
Participants will learn to craft each report around a concise high-level message, supported by logically ordered support points. They will also learn how to decide how little or how...
This training is designed to sharpen the skills of participants in communications and interpersonal relations for improved works climate and performance. Communication and interpersonal relations are potent tools for...
Organizations around the world are realizing that practicing work-life balance provides employees the flexibility to address personal commitments, without compromising the needs of the business
This training has been designed to equip participants with necessary skills and attitude for work place success. Emotional Intelligence is the ability to identify, understand and control one’s thoughts...
No matter how good or important a message is, if it's not delivered in an interesting and effective way, chances are it won't be heard at all. Strong presentation...
Time management training is designed to allow you to improve the amount of valuable work you do, per hour. It is about getting more done in less time. Time...
It cannot be avoided working in teams is something that has to be done. In every walk of life the teams that are all working in synergy, heading in...