The aim of this training is to build capacity of business knowledge and understanding of business partnering. Participants will understand the hooks and pitfalls that lead to success or...
Since there is a positive correlation between the performance of individual employees and the overall performance of the organization, it is an organizational imperative for supervisors and managers to...
Just as organizations have changed dramatically in nature over the last 20 years, so have people’s attitude to their employers – and the attitudes of the most first class...
In the face of challenging business competition, the role of human capital management in organizational development towards enhancing the value of a firm cannot be overemphasized. Among the factors...
Most organizations would tend to encourage good industrial relations in magnifying their conviction that a harmonious one provides the required attractions, motivation and retention of high caliber employees for...
This program will help to provide HR professionals with the necessary techniques to address employee training and development needs in alignment with the overall strategic goals of the organization.
Because many nonprofits are small (with fewer than 10 employees) and because they may be facing other organizational challenges, thinking about who the next executive director might be or...
An organization’s Human Resource department finds itself involved in countless situations that are potential areas of risk—from employment law issues, compensation, benefits and record keeping to potential managerial in...
This training will help participants deliver more than just basic administration but transformation efforts designed to improve HR functionality and services that will align to corporate goals and strategies...