I meet them in various organizations I consult or train for. I have worked with quiet a number too. These set of people just put in the least effort required on their jobs. Infact they watch the clock for 5pm like first time participants in a fasting exercise . They complain a lot, see everything wrong with the system but do nothing to add value or consider going beyond the call of duty.
Their mindset is “ I do what I am paid to do and that’s enough” unfortunately for these set of people “extra ordinary people do not do things in ordinary ways. Pacesetters and achievers take ownership of their jobs, create new initiatives, think out of the box. They are dynamic and agile.
What are the symptoms that carriers of this syndrome display?
- Low employee engagement
- Low initiatives ( they just don’t try!)
- Little or no job satisfaction
- Low creativity ( because they are disinterested )
- Low productivity (as expected)
- Reduced leadership opportunities
It’s all very negative and career limiting. You cannot achieve much if you a plagued by this syndrome
If you are caught in this trap the following suggestions will help you:
- Set self-improvement goals for yourself that will stretch but improve you
- Read developmental books. It cleanses the mind and broadens your perspectives
- Get a mentor/ coach as relevant
- Live in the present but do your best to achieve your desired future.