Dear all social distancing is very essential in these times to enable us reduce the corona virus spread. It helps us minimize our exposure to being infected or spreading the infection. Social distancing is avoiding close contact with people who do not live with us and public spaces where surfaces maybe contaminated.
How is it practiced?
- Avoid public gatherings.
- Maintain 1metre space with anyone not in your house in the course of any interaction.
- Avoid public places and do not touch surfaces in public places.
- Ensure wiping and cleaning of public surfaces in any shared environment, like door knobs, bathroom knobs, etc.
- Aviod sick people e.g coughing, sneezing etc.
- Every time you use ATM’s, POS machines, sanitize your hands with alcohol based sanitizer.
- Every time you wash your hands in public spaces use a tissue to close the tap, open the door etc to avoid re-infection of germs.
- Retrain from ordering food at this time as you are unaware of the condition of the handlers.
- Always wash hands thoroughly for 20seconds with soap once you touch public surfaces.
- Greet people (family, friends, and colleagues) without touching them.
- Cover your mouth when coughing or use tissue when sneezing.
- After any exposure to a public place or crowded place like a market please have your bath with soap once you get home.
- Most importantly stay positive.
For more information check WHO website.
Yemisi Bamishile.