Hello! And welcome to a new decade. Sounds nice right? I remember the 1999 saga and panic; computers would shut down, you need to store up food in case anything strange happens….. Am convinced we were all greatly influenced by our additive viewing of star Trek’s space 1999. Back then the date seemed like eternity, it all seems comical now.
Here we are in a technology driven decade, where artificial intelligence is permeating every sphere of our lives. For anyone that is not a millennial everything seems more complex and complicated. One action that will help put things in proper perspective in 2020 is to declutter.
Remove unnecessary thoughts from your mind (apprehension, fear, negative thoughts, and grudges).
Remove them from your relationships (insincerity, deception, hypocrisy, insecurity).
Remove them from your home (faulty appliances) you have not repaired in two years, clothes and shoes not worn in the last two years give them away.
Remove them from your life (toxic relationships, talebearers, and opportunist). Consolidate the gadgets stop carrying around four different phones plus an iPad!!!!
Simplify things so you can travel light like the pilgrim in John Bunyan’s best seller novel Pilgrim’s Progress. Decluttering will help you again speed, embrace new perspectives, experiment, innovate and achieve.
#Declutter 2020
#Out with the old,in with the new
Yemisi Bamishile.