A chat with a friend last week inspired me to write this piece. He literarily is over worked. He closes at midnight sometimes and is on duty almost every day of the week. I understand he’s trying to add value at his workplace, take his career to the next level but the question to ask is where should he draw the line? Which brings me to the very interesting concept “Work life balance”.
Research shows that every generation struggles with work life balance.
According to Wikipedia, it is the balance that an individual needs between time allocated to work and other aspects of life.
HR dictionary describes work life balance as the method which helps employees of an organization to balance their personal and professional lives.
Many organizations have tried to achieve this by introducing different interventions like crèche for nursing mothers, office gym, swimming pool, paternity leave, 5 mins health break every 2 hrs, health and fitness trainings, family seminars ,TGIF etc even the government has increased the women’s maternity from 90 days to 120 days to achieve this delicate balance. It is very laudable for organizations that embrace best practice, how about the majority that do not? How are their employees supposed to achieve work life balance? Organizations where an employee cannot close from work before his/ her boss even when its past official closing hours?
The important fact is for executives at the helm of affairs in organizations to understand that a less stressed, more balanced employee would produce better result on the job for a longer period of time.
I would like to suggest the following tips in achieving work-life balance:
If there are other ways to achieve work life balance you have practiced or are aware of please share in the comment section and add to my list. Thanks
Written By: Yemisi Bamishile
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