Categories: General


Hello and welcome to 2019!


Hope, desire aspiration….. need I say more? The atmosphere is pregnant with expectations  ofvarying degrees. Some hope their careers would improve this new year, others hope to change their jobs for better ones; while others are taken with improving their interpersonal relationships perhaps find a life partner this year, get a degree or professional certification etc.


I don’t mean to burst your bubbles but the reality is if you do not set these desire as goals at the beginning of this year your chances of actualizing them are quite slim.


So take out your pen and paper or tablet as the case may be and do the following:


STEP 1:            Identify your goals for 2019. Don’t make them too many or you will get lost in the maze


STEP2 :            Set objectives. Why do you need to achieve these goals?


STEP 3:            List obstacles :  Identify possible obstacles to each goal, this will give you a better idea on how to eliminate them.


STEP 4:            Develop a plan. This is your blue print to achieving identified goals. For example register for a course, start saving etc.


STEP 5:           List benefits: Enumerate the benefits of actualizing each goal, trust me it will spur you on when you get discouraged and you most likely will.


Carry out these 5 steps and you are on your way to fulfilling your dreams in 2019.


Have a great year!!!!


Yemisi Bamishile

(Head Learning and Development CREM)

CREM Nigeria

Published by
CREM Nigeria

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